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News Media

Houston Jewelry has been a staple in the Houston community for generations. Our family's first store in Houston is documented in the oldest existing Houston City Directory of 1866. We opened our first store specializing in fine jewelry, under the name Houston Wholesale Jewelers in downtown Houston back in early 1953 and we have been featured many times in news stories about a number of differnt topics. In 2011 a historic gold rush began as gold prices skyrocketed to epic proportions. Of course this gave a chance for dishonest people to prey on people desperate to cash in on their unwanted gold. When the price of gold hit its highest point many of the news stations around town decided to shop around to see who was paying the most for your unwanted gold. The news crews all agreed on one thing, Houston Jewelry paid the most. In 2013, during the royal baby craze, Houston Jewelry was hosting a showing of Crown Jewel Replicas so Fox26 decided to do a story about it. We have many other news stories that have been done about Houston Jewelry over years, so feel free to browse through our videos and see what has made Houston Jewelry Houston's Most Trusted Jeweler for Generations.

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